Hello, welcome to my website which includes information on The Christian Clinic for Environmental Medicine. The scripture on the foot of our letter heading says it all -

LUKE 1.37

If that were not true, I should not have been working as a lay practitioner, taught and led by the Holy Spirit all my life, even before I knew who the Holy Spirit was!

Born into abject poverty, I was one of five children raised in a dingy flat over an undertakers' 'Private Chapel of Rest' which just happened to be under a large archway beneath the stairs of this very old house. Early in life, I came into contact with 'The Angel of Death' attached to those corpses laid out for grieving relatives to visit. At three years of age, I had a passion to go to the local Church. It was as if the bells ringing there called me. Nobody in my family attended or believed, except my own darling late mother who believed but did not attend due to restrictions placed on her by my father. However, I did lead her to the Lord and baptized her at the age of 80 years!

My history is in the books so I will not relay it here. Suffice it to say that rooted and grounded in love, love of Christ, I clung to Him through childhood perils which were many. As a maturing child, I had another heart's desire, to heal the sick and minister to the heartbroken and downtrodden. I thought my way would be through medical school; not so, the Lord had other plans for me!

When asked what my qualifications are, I say, "I am a B.A, Ph.D and I trained in the University of Life." Translated, my letters mean, Born Again to Preach, Heal and Deliver. Although attending the Anglican church for 33 years, and being confirmed at eleven years of age by the Bishop of Kensington, I did not get saved until I was led to the Lord in the late 70's by a lovely, Spirit-filled patient who made me gasp when she informed me that I was not saved. Again, my books are full of miracles relaying the whole story.



"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall dwell in the shadow of the Almighty."

Here is another scripture I have clung to which has taken me through so many unbelievable perils at home and in West Malaysia which I visited regularly to minister to God's people, mainly on the island of Penang but also on the mainland.

When I reached what is called retirement age, the Lord gave me a lovely little BMW. I called it my King's Chariot. Nowhere was Psalm 91 more proven for me than when the car was virtually upturned on an oil spill at 25 mph and written off. I was totally unharmed, as was the driver's seat, and the rear number plate, displayed for all to see, read:


That number plate was a witness to all police, ambulance men, and those who gathered at the scene to see me, extracted and unharmed, sitting on the pavement explaining why I was safe. LBP stands for Lord Be Praised and there is a small crown over the L which just happens to be a feature of Barons in Surrey where I purchased the car. This, of course, has become now a personalized number plate and is a continued witness for my Saviour, Jesus Christ.

"But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise;and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the thingswhich are mighty."

JOEL 3.10b
"Let the weak say, I am strong."

Yes, I do say those Scriptures knowing that the only strength I have is in the Lord Jesus Christ, and

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

Were these things not true, I should have been unable to help victims of torture, incest, rape, sexual abuse and all manner of cruelty. The medicine of Jesus Christ is essential for these scarred people. As a deeply scarred and wounded person, I have used my appalling experiences to witness to others the love of Jesus Christ.

People are not infrequently the most wounded by their own loved ones and their churches. Churches are full of walking wounded, and The Great Commission is often being taught but NOT obeyed. This causes grief to the Holy Spirit whom we are clearly told not to grieve or quench [1 Thessalonians 5.19]. I am aware that we have seen so much nonsense masquerading in the churches as the Holy Spirit during the last decade or so, hence the number of once churchgoers who do not attend any more. I could go on but I will not lest I digress - and I usually do!



Where Am I At Now?

JOHN 8.32
"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

I am now 80 years of age and I have decided to lay down the Clinic and concentrate on my work as a Missionary and Christian Counsellor. Therefore I shall not be practicing at the Clinic as before although I am always willing if available to talk to people.

This is a great leap of faith as I shall not be earning and I have no full State Pension, so believing that I am led by the Holy Spirit I trust in the Lord to provide.

Savings such as they were are rapidly diminishing with repairs to "Lane End," car expenses, etc, etc.

My books are still available from Andy Rolfe via this website (Paypal payment), or directly from me. Please take at look at the books page for more details.